

School Work + Projects

Independent Art: Ceramics

As an independent art project, I learned how to throw and glaze ceramic pieces. Above are a few of the pieces I made.

Art Relay: Clouds

Art relay is a yearly event at Cate School in which chosen students draw a word out of the box of chosen prompts by random, then are given 24 hours to create a work of art based on or inspired by the word. After 24 hours, the students hand off their work to their next team member, who then produces a work of art in the next 24-hour period based on/inspired by said work. This year (2022), I was one of the students who began the relay. My word was: clouds.

After hours of messing around with different ideas, I decided to decorate a window. I first took images of various clouds throughout the day then edited and organized them to form 30 rectangles, which I printed out on transparent paper and stuck onto a tall window in my dorm. Below are the original images as well as the final result:

Project: Whoop Dee Doo

Inspired by the artist-led variety show Whoop Dee Doo, below is a less serious take on classical sculptures: tin-foil, paper tape figures emerging from the walls.

Project: Bodies

Project: Collaborative Diptychs

A project designed to foster collaboration. Alongside my partner Elise, we explored the concept of aging. The painting of the torso on the left was done by Elise, and image printed onto canvas on the right is a digital rendition of nature alongside the human form done by me.

Project: You May Not Make a Landscape

Due to the pandemic, classes were all outdoors, and thus, came this nature-themed project. However, there was one rule and one rule only: you may not make a landscape.

Artist Statement:

It’s funny how amidst the pandemic, most people find themselves stuck inside, yet here at Cate, we are faced with the opposite problem—we are stuck outside (for classes, at least). When one spends this much time outside, especially while in class, one’s eyes can’t help but wander around and occasionally up towards the sky. Frequently, I’d see a clear sky, empty—almost too empty. That’s why, for this project, I decided to make a kite—a kite made with material found in nature: leaves, branches, barks, and more.

Project: Basics

As the title reveals, this project involved going back to our basics. For me, that was shooting and editing a video.

Project: Extra-ordinary

Inspired by René Magritte's The Treachery of Images, I decided to make use of the ordinariness of a single object, a die, and to create something that my younger self would have hated me for—a piece that could very well be totally meaningless.

When you dumb it down, a die is simply a 6-sided cube with dots on them. Yet with every die, comes 6 possibilities, and with two, comes 36, then 216, and so on. This piece was created with a total of 711 dice—that's 6^711 possibilities. And with all these different possibilities and all the images I could have created, I chose to create an image of... a die. Anticlimactic, isn't it? Hours and hours spent assembling over seven hundred 7mm x 7mm dice just to make one big die.

Yet though it looks like a die, it isn’t one. Rather, it is hundreds of small dice put together. And thus, the line underneath: “這不是個骰子” (“this is not a die”).

Project: Takeaways

Through exploring the works of Bruce Nauman, Tabaimo, and Diana Thater, I was inspired to make a video piece that emphasized presentation, rather than simply the video itself. To the right is a 3-minute video of a girl pushing out against a black fabric screen, projected onto a thin silky fabric that is stretched onto a frame. As the hands push against the recorded fabric, it seems to emerge through the walls, pushing the boundaries between the installation and the viewer.

Project: How to Be an Artist

Gallery piece; projected onto blocks and played on loop

Artist Statement:

There’s something beautiful about walking into the sunset…

One day, I’ll disappear—and perhaps you won’t remember me. You won’t remember what I looked like; you won’t remember my name. But maybe, just maybe, some of the moments from my life will remain… Moments we’ve shared together—moments like these.

One day, I’ll disappear—but that’s nothing to be sad about. You don’t mourn when the sun sets. You simply look up at the sky and admire it. Before you realize, the light has changed, and the scenery around you is no longer the same. You take in a deep breath of fresh air as you watch the brilliance fade, until all that is left is the night sky. We all fade, one day. And it’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Project: One Good Thing

Not much context, just one good thing. Well, or two in this case...

ComSci Project: Fishy Game

A childhood game re-imagined. Click on the image to play!

Project: Re-contextualized Photography & Film

“American Gothic 2020”

“The Last Supper 2020”

“Fight Night x Starry Night”

Project: Shadow

“Left Behind”


Project: Constructed Realities

“Mirror Mirror on the Floor”

Project: What Remains

“What Remains” - Video Memory Capsule

Project: Typologies



Project: Video Portrait
