
Creative Writing


“What Goes Around Comes Around” - Short Novel

A ~15,000-word crime/thriller novella revolving around a boarding school teacher who finds himself entangled in a series of suicides that may not be simple suicides after all...

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Dramatic Writing Workshop 2022

The Invasion from Outerspace - based on the short story of the same title by Steven Millhauser, exploring the life of a middle school teacher as she navigates the strange events and comes to terms with her own existence.

Fallen (stageplay) - the scene is set: a tree has fallen, uprooting the sidewalk, tugging at a phone line running between the 2 homes. A single mother and his son’s teacher. Will they finally confront the feelings they’ve denied for the past 2 years?

Peter Pan Adaptation - what if Peter Pan wasn’t just a fantastical boy from a story? What if he is really out there? A serial kidnapper on the loose…

Creative Writing Workshop 2022

For the creative writing workshop, we are given assignments intended to help us practice different elements of creative writing. The assignments are: 1. internal monologue; 2. character sketch; 3. dialogue + setting; 4. fable/fairytale/myth; 5. wild card (something from a list of items)

#1: “Father” (Internal Monologue) - a dive into the mind of a man stuck on a plane on his way back from visiting his father on his death bed.

#2: “Him” (Character Sketch) - what the mirror sees and what it doesn’t…

#3: “Talk Therapy” (Dialogue + Setting) - a team-building trip deep in the mountains; a man hearing voices. What could possibly go wrong?

#4: “Heed My Warning” (fable/fairytale/myth) - a girl with a fantastical story; a warning to be heard. Will they listen or will they simply laugh?

#5: Wild Card - an apron; a pan; a child no longer.

Final Series

As I was looking back on the pieces I wrote, I realized that the character from my 1st piece was actually the same as that of the 3rd. And with that realization, I decided to write 2 more pieces, connecting the two pieces and bringing them to a close.

Part 1: All in a Day's Work

Part 2: Hard to Love

Other (Earlier) Works:

“Oblivion” - A supernatural thriller screenplay about a woman who comes into contact with a vampire that steals her memories.

“Static” - A short story about a woman void of all past memories and her discovery of an old recording that leads her to her childhood home where her past begins to unravel…